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Sneaky Ninja Challenges!

At Mantis we don’t just teach people freestyle kickboxing. We teach the true meaning behind martial arts. It’s about respect, empathy and consideration for others. 

We like to set Sneaky Ninja Challenges to give the students as many opportunities as they can to show they aren’t just ninjas in the dojo… they’re becoming ninjas at life too!

Any one can join in, you don’t have to be a member. A small gesture of kindness can make a massive positive change. Let’s make Spondon an even better place to be!... 

Tag us on your Sneaky Ninja Challenge on social media @MantisMartialArtsUk for a treat from us!


Bring the sunshine

Summer is on the way, and we want to bring the sunshine!
During the month of April, we are handing out little packs on sunflower seeds FREE in the dojo. Your challenge is to plant your seeds and care for your sunflowers to grow the most beautiful flowers possible.
Even if the weather is dull this summer, your Sunflower will bring the sunshine and make everybody smile!
Tag us with a photo of your sunflower on social media by August 31st for the chance to win a prize.


Handmade gift

Have you ever received a gift that someone has put their time and effort into? It is one of the kindest and most thoughtful things you can do for someone. Your Sneaky Ninja challenge is to make a handmade gift for somebody and pass it on secretly! I wonder if they will figure out it is from you?


Compliment challenge

This month we are challenging you to be complimentary. It's really easy to think something positive and not say anything. BUT if you say something nice, you never know, you might make someones day! Give it a try - challenge yourself to say something complimentary every day this month!


Smile and the world smiles with you...

Whilst it might be miserable weather outside you can keep the sun shining inside yourself! Smiling not only gives off happy hormones making you feel more positive but it also rubs off on others too.

Don’t believe me? Give it a try… next time you’re feeling a little low, just smile. Hold it for 5 seconds and see how it makes you feel. Smile at someone else and see if they smile back.


Love your neighbours

Whilst we don’t get to choose who we live next door to, getting on well with the people around us can make a huge difference to how we feel about our homes.

This month we're challenging you to find something lovely you can do for your neighbour... Bring their bins in, clear some leaves on their path, bake them a cake… the possibilities are endless. You never know, they might even do something lovely in return.


Welcome the wildlife

It’s getting cold! Not just for us but all our lovely local wildlife! Sensei Heather swears she saw a black squirrel in the Sensory Garden!

Why not leave out a few treats for the wildlife in your garden? You’ll find you attract lots more birds which are lovely to watch in the winter.


Say 'hello'

Everyone has the potential to feel a little lonely a times, it doesn’t matter how popular you are! Our challenge this month is to speak to someone who looks a little lost or lonely and say hello. Making a new friend costs nothing but might mean the world to someone.


Sow some seeds

Sowing a few seeds doesn’t need to cost a lot. In fact we are giving you a packet, free! Why not grab some from reception and make an unloved area a little more loved?

Take a photo of you sowing them and then another when they pop up and tag us on social media for a treat from us for doing your bit for Spondon!


Read an autobiography

Read an autobiography! Learning about someone else’s life can be a real eye opener! You never know what someone else has been through and reading about it can open our eyes and minds up to other people around you too.

If you haven’t got one, why not join our lovely local library


Positive Post-Its...

Hide a little positive note for someone to find! Just a few words that they will come across when they open their wallet or a book. How special do you think it will make them feel knowing someone took the time to tell them how amazing they are!

Looking for ideas? We’ve left a few sneaky positive post-it notes for people to take and hide outside the Dojo. Help yourself and put a smile on someone’s face


Open doors!

This month's challenge is to hold open a door for as many people as you can. Simple manners cost us nothing and are so easily forgotten when our lives are so busy.

Take a moment to enjoy the feeling of knowing you’re a lovely person when someone thanks you for your kindness.


Do something for yourself

Do something for you every day. It doesn’t matter how small it is, but you’re the most important person in your life and you deserve to be treated like it.

Have a bubble bath, sit and listen to the birds, go for a walk, whatever makes your heart smile.

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